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Student Visa

Study Visa From Pakistan

We assist student VISA for study in Australia and Canada from Pakistan by offering a wide range of services for educational visas. We help to make the process seamless for aspiring clients. There are multiple programs and scholarships offered to Pakistani students, including:

Immigration for Pakistan

If you meet the requirements for the visa, such as funds, English language skills, health, and required documents, then you can get the following visa:

The eligibility of the person is measured on the basis of a point system in which more points are given if you have good English language skills, education, and funds.


How to get a scholarship?

Most of the scholarships in Australia and Canada are given on the base of merit. There are some scholarships given to students for their community work participation. This is because the Australian government is looking for people who can actively participate in leadership roles. While applying for a scholarship, it is necessary to mention community work as it increases the chance of being selected. It is recommended to apply to different institutions. The application for your scholarship must be complete, presentable, and absolute. A small mistake can be rejected, such as grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, insufficient information, and bad presentation.

Check for mistakes and submit an application with all the required documents.

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